Friday, August 23, 2013

Remember the guy in 2nd place? Neither does anyone else

Remember the guy in second place? Neither does anyone else.
Good morning and happy Friday everyone! Ok, let’s get right into it.  I am still trying to figure out which angle I will continue to take this blog.  Whether you are a gentleman or a lady, today’s message is for you.  As for now, I am just speaking from my heart and what is going on in my life at this time.  I have recently been doing a lot of studying on motivation.  What is motivation?  Motivation is your ability to remain focused and energetic about the things you find important in your life.  At some point in your life, everyone finds moments when they are extremely motivated.  Then, like many things in life, it soon fades away.  So what is the best way to stay motivated?  There are thousands of books and talks available for you to figure out the best way for you, but I am going to speak on what has worked best for me.  The best way I have found to stay motivated, is to submerge myself with the right information.  In today’s world, there is a vast amount of information available to us at our finger tips.  Podcast, e-books, e-mails, websites, YouTube, and of course blogs.  You have the information to achieve anything you want and you choose to spend these opportunities playing Temple Run and watching someone break their neck on YouTube?!  Motivate yourself by staying informed!  Motivate yourself by surround yourself with the right people!  It’s very difficult to remain motivated and focused with the circle of individuals you choose to spend your time with are in the same place they were 5 years ago! 

The answer to your motivation is not on your couch with your HD TV on!  Develop small goals on a daily basis that will take you in the right direction.  I have a daily goal that I will always read 15 minutes a day from a self-improvement book.  Is it easy to read 15 minutes a day? Absolutely!  Is it is not to read from a self-improvement book for 15 minutes a day? Absolutely!  When I remind myself of why it is important for me to engage in this activity, it doesn't seem so hard.  No matter how long my day has been.  You have heard the saying “A body in motion tends to stay in motion.”  The same is true with your mind.  If you are able to do small things on a daily basis and move yourself in the right direction, it becomes very easy to do these things on a daily basis.  I’ll be honest.  When I woke up this morning at 5:00am, I really didn't feel like going to run my 4 miles.  But I did it anyway.  Why?  Because I want to remain motivated!  Sure I could have gotten a little more sleep.  Hell, I don’t have to be to the office until 9:00am!  So why do I decide to get up at 5:00am when I’m not being told?  Whatever is most important to you in your life, you will find the time to get these things done.  Getting up 4 hours before I have to go to work expresses a desire for more.  I’m more hungry now than I have ever been in my life!  The reason?  I keep my goals in front of me on a daily basis and I do the small things in life, whether I feel like it or not.  I can take a look at anyone’s daily schedule and tell you why you are not where you want to be today.  It’s because of the small things.  So make the decision today to focus on the details in your life, the small steps that you will take throughout the day.  Do this and watch your motivation shift into the next gear! 

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog.  I really hope this is positively affecting the lives of others.  My new schedule for the blog will be as follows.  I will post a new blog every Monday and Friday.  As the blog develops and progresses, I will add more new blogs to the weekly postings.  Now go chase your dreams and remember to keep the Gentleman First.

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