Monday, August 12, 2013

Quality Of Life

Well it's almost the end of the summer, and it's vacation time for me.  A great week in Nags Head so far with a great group of friends and good conversation.  As I have had time to relax over these past few days, I have spent a great amount of time thinking about quality of life.  

So often in life we attempt to gain so much in our career, material possessions and with relationships.  That is all worth nothing if you do not have a good quality of life.  Quality of life starts with your health.  If you are not a healthy individual, it doesn't matter how much you acquire if you are not around to enjoy it.  The other day I was listening to a lecture from one of my favorite authors Zig Ziglar.  He spoke about the manner in which we treat our bodies.  He goes on to ask the audience if anyone owns a million dollar race horse.  Of course no one in the audience was able to confirm that they did.  Then the question was asked, if you did own a race horse, would you let it stay up all hours of the night, drink beer, smoke cigarettes and eat junk food.  Of  course not!  If you owned a million dollar horse, you would hire the best trainer, have the horse on a special diet and have state of the art stables.  If you would invest that much into a horse, why would you not hold yourself to the same level?  Many people would take better care of a $20 dog than their own body!  Your body is worth billions!  There is only one of you in the world, why would you not make the investment?

Regular exercise is not an option for those who want to experience a high quality of life.  Your body requires regular physical activities just to maintain a somewhat healthy lifestyle.  We live in a society where we are generally judged on our appearance.  A gentleman takes pride in the way he looks. Your health says a lot about how you feel about yourself.  When you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you are saying to others, "I am important and I believe that I am worth the effort!"  There is nothing wrong with enjoying foods from time to time that are not considered to be healthy.  While I'm here on vacation, I am certain to eat foods that I should not.  I just counter those decisions with exercise and other healthy foods.  I just ensure that I do not eat like that on a regular basis.  

Have pride in yourself and others will respect you.  People are very perceptive.  They will see it in your walk, in your talk and in the manner that you carry yourself.  Take care of yourself and watch other areas of your life begin to grow.  Your career will excel, relationships will become more meaningful and others will hold you in higher esteem.  The goal should never be to have a six pack if you are just starting out on your health journey.  The goal should simply be to become healthy.  The physical traits that you want will soon follow behind.  

Enjoy your life and remember always be a Gentleman First!

Samuel W. Anderson

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